You have to wait till th thing loads.
This game is fun!
Bunny game. make ur own house. this game is also fun. (:
Shooting game
to move press A or D
Learn how to play th piano.

Hi everyone.Just a little BUZZ to cheer everyone up..that is if you're being emo now!
First sights

Showing your feelings


When your pstner dumps you and go with someone else

Trying to be better BF/GF


Seek revenge


Thinking of another revenge...

Coming up with a EVIL plan

Too sick to take revenge

Tired of the madness

Giving up cooly

New target

BF/GF wants to go steady

After effects

Life as a single

hello emo striplings ...
Here's wotz allowed for Be yourself day:
As long as these are matched with something red, you won't find yourself with a whole load of red tape to contend with i.e. OMs & the Discipline Level Head(s)...
1) Red cap (worn with a red top or bottom, not on its own)
2) Red sandals (worn with red top or bottom, not on its own)
3) 3/4s and bermudas (with a red top of course)
4) skinnies (with red top - nothing skimpy)
5) PE kit (red of course with shorts/skirt/jeans/bermudas/3 quarts/whichever you prefer)
6) Red shoes (worn with red top or bottom, not on its own)
Decisive point is ... an item of clothing must be of the scarlet variety, accessories don't count.
I reiterate ... should you not own any red threads in your wardrobe, come in your school uniform.
Hope this clarifies all your queries. I'm quite sure you'll have more for me on Monday ... well maybe, maybe not.
Enjoy your weekend.
Ms M